22 May 2002

Belvedere on the Klausberg, Potsdam

Baroque ornaments, 2002

Belvedere on the Klausberg, Potsdam
Historical photograph, ruin
Historical photograph
Historical photograph
Historical photograph
Restaurierter Befund
Befund, Abguss
Rekonstruktion in Ton
Abguss in Stuckgips
Versetzen der Stuckteile
Tonmodell Eckrocaille
Formbau Eckrocaille
Ausformen Eckrocaille
Eckrocaille, vergoldet
Eckrocaille, vergoldet
Tonmodell, große Eckrocaille
Stuckabguss, große Eckrocaille
Vergoldung, große Eckrocaille
Inside, final
Inside, final

Stucco sculpture work: restoration and reconstruction of the baroque ornaments (rocailles) of eight window axes in the upper salon (2nd building phase) from historical photographs

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